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Special Requests Are Our Specialty

Any time a reservation is placed with Prime Limo, our staff gets right to work making sure that everything is set up exactly how that individual customer would like it. Not only do we provide the best service in the area, but also one that can be custom tailored to fit your special requests. This means that our representatives are ready to hear each and every thing you would like to happen with your ride. No request is too big and no detail too small to leave out, which makes the possibilities almost endless!

Special Requests

Our vehicles already come stocked with an assortment of items, such as: water bottles, ice, cups, champagne flutes, glassware, and premium napkins. They can also include anything else you would like! We have had requests for food, beverages, notes, gifts, balloons, and many more specialty items. All of these requests were fulfilled, and helped make that certain trip even more spectacular than we had already guaranteed.

There is no substitute for great service, and that is what you get every time with us. Be sure to tell our agents your special requests when booking your next reservation!

Prime Customize

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