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Always Room for Improvement

At Prime Limo we strive to achieve perfection; a goal that is almost unattainable, but one that we must always pursue. That is why we are always open to any advise or constructive criticism that can help us improve the way we do business. And believe it or not, but most of this can come from you, our loyal patrons that can see our service first hand every time you ride with us. Please contact us with any helpful tips you may have at our office number, 214-256-6725. These can range from new vehicle choices you may recommend, amenities to have in the vehicles, website changes, or even new policies you think should be implemented! Listed below is a link to our survey, where you can let us know any and all of your comments/concerns.

Prime Limo Feedback Survey 

No comment goes unheard here, and this past year we have listened to what customers wanted and we were able to purchase 3 new vehicles based on your feedback! We would love to hear from you about your experiences, so comment today to make sure your future trips are even better than they are now!
